DigiGreeNPost Project – 2nd DACUM Workshop – Ireland
Date: 13th & 14th March 2023
Location: Online
This workshop was carried out online over Zoom in on the 13th and 14th of March and was attended by 7 participants working in the courier industry. They told us about their everyday job lives and how the themes of ‘green’ and ‘digitalization’ are being implemented in their companies.
The aim was to verify the already identified digital and green trends and record needs and gaps regarding the skills needed to be updated through (upskilling) and revised or/and reinforced (reskilling). The participants shared operational knowledge of digital and green practices or the lack of them in their company.
We looked the basic duties and related tasks of employees working in the delivery sector – and the required knowledge, skills, and competences, and what they lacked or needed to implement going forward. The competences and knowledge were often in short supply or still in the early stages of development.
Participants provided inputs related to their “Digital and Green” professional experience and shared their professional expectations (in terms of necessary skills and competences) over the course of two days. Though there was some way to go, there was also the feeling that things were moving in the right direction.